Par Arktoss le lundi, 21 mai 2007, 20:35 - Dragonsite - Lien permanent

L'une des mes pièces les plus originales de ma collection et une de mes préférées : un dragon génie.
Petit extrait traduit de son histoire :
Gobi, un aventurier malicieux de la ville d'Azbal, a osé le test du sorcier et choisi ce qu'il pensait être un beau flacon. Avec l'espoir de richesses dépassant ses rêves, il relâcha le bouchon d'or, et vit se libérer de son confinement Idolon; un génie souriant, portant un grand cimeterre menaçant sur le dos d'un dragon violet chatoyant de bronze.
Secrets - Occultus - AB20003
Not all surprises are pleasant ones. Do not expect all freed spirits to be grateful. Not every sealed vessel contains the answer to your dreams. Some conceal your worst nightmare.
The legend of the genie in the bottle is as old as time, and usually tells of a beneficent spirit, released from its ancient bonds, bestowing magical wishes upon its beloved liberator. However, this is not always the case. Inside the great dust encrusted tome entitled Eastern Adventures we discover that it was the wizard Inspertatus who created the dazzling collection of bottles, flasks, jars and amphorae housed within the infamous Chamber of the Unexpected. Each vessel contains an imprisoned magical spirit, some benign, some decidedly malignant.
Whereas dragons are usually predisposed towards guarding or stealing treasure, so, many wizards tend to share a proclivity for setting tests. Magical talismans secreted within vast danger-ridden labyrinths. Fabulous jewels guarded by monstrous beasts. Fountains of eternal youth situated at the end of a gauntlet of homicidal obstacles. Whichever way you look at it wizards have a somewhat twisted frame of mind. Insperatus was no exception. He had created a place that depending on your luck or skill in deciphering deeply cryptic cabalistic inscriptions could be a chamber of delight or chamber of horrors.
Gobi, a roguish adventurer from the city of Azbal was said to have dared the wizard's test and chosen what he thought was a handsome looking flask. With hopes of riches beyond his dreams, he eased out the golden stopper, and behold, liberated from its cramped confinement issued forth Idolon; a genie carrying a large, menacing scimitar, grinning down from the back of a shimmering dragon of violet and bronze.
Was this a good choice? Did Gobi get his heart's desire? Or was the glint in the genie's eye the cool glare of evil? The verbuMMagus knows of course. He knows what happens in all of the stories in the great library, but as usual his teasing smile is our only clue.
H : 30 cm ; l : 19 cm
Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 530 / 2000
Matériau : résine
Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 530 / 2000
Matériau : résine

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