Par Arktoss le lundi, 21 mai 2007, 20:31 - Dragonsite - Lien permanent

Voici Onslaught (Assaut en français), une pièce intéressante de Dragonsite.
La scène représente dans une posture très dynamique, un dragon coloré attaquant un chevalier pour un trésor au pied d'une souche. Ce trésor que cherche à s'accaparer le chevalier est probablement celui d'un Leprechaun : un chaudron rempli d'or que l'on trouvé au pied d'un arc-en-ciel. Mais le trésor s'avère très bien gardé.
Ci-contre, le concept art réalisé par Andrew Bill, le sculpteur de cette pièce.
Onslaught - Incursus - AB20004
They say that there is a crock of gold at every rainbow’s end, but fairy gold universally prized far about mere mortal wealth is a treasure dearly bought.
The verbuMMagus plucks a story from the shelves of Fairy Tales which tells of a particularly mischievous band of sylvan nymphs - spell-weavers, beguilers - who in common with many other magic-wielders loved to play tricks on dissatisfied mortals; using their greed or boredom to lure them to disaster. For despite being constantly told by the wise that there is no such thing as something for nothing, there are always those who refuse to believe it.
The fairy forest dwellers were generous in the amount of gold they placed at the end of their rainbows but they exacted a heavy toll: a dragon! Craftily concealed by enchantment, the ferocious beast would lie in wait for unsuspecting pilferers and then spring a terrifying ambush. Needless to say very few fairy coins ever found their way into general circulation!
H : 14 cm ; L : 30 cm
Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 576 / 2000
Matériau : résine
Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 576 / 2000
Matériau : résine

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