Par Arktoss le vendredi, 11 janvier 2008, 10:09 - Dragonsite - Lien permanent

Je vous présente une pièce plutôt massive de Dragonsite : Vansal.
Un imposant dragon aux ailes arc-en-ciel et chargé par un mage de protéger la forêt et la nature environnante.
Il fait ici une petite pause pour boire.
Ce dragon respire la sérénité et l'effet de l'eau est de toute beauté.
Ci-contre, "Morning Drink" de Julie Bell, l'artiste à l'origine de cette sculpture.
Vansal - JB20100
The land is hushed. The sun spreads warmth and light to the floor of the ancient forest.
Deep within the cover of the majestic trees, there is a place where neither human nor beast dares to venture.
Here lies the lair of the mighty dragon, Vansal, the largest and most feared creature in the kingdom before time.
Things that reflect light into the colors of a rainbow carry this magnificent beast. Its massive size and awesome strength strike fear into the hearts of even its bravest foes.
The high wizards have commanded Vansal to protect the forest's balance of nature against all intruders - a monumental task, as the forest stretches to the end of the land and is constantly invaded by those seeking to remove its treasures.
Late one afternoon, after travelling a great distance, Vansal returns to its quiet lair for a short respite from the never ending role as protector.
Perched on a gigantic rock, Vansal lowers its massive head to a crystal clear pool, fed by a rushing waterfall that spills down a boulder strewn rock face.
With surprising gentleness, its forked tongue caresses the surface of the water, drawing energy into its huge body.
Soon, it will be time to return to the journey...
H : 37,5 cm ; l : 25 cm
Collection : Dragonsite, ImaginistiX (Julie Bell)
Numéro : 234 / 2000
Matériau : résine
Collection : Dragonsite, ImaginistiX (Julie Bell)
Numéro : 234 / 2000
Matériau : résine

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