Sunburst, Moonstruck et Starlight
Par Arktoss le samedi, 22 décembre 2007, 21:11 - Dragonsite - Lien permanent

Aujourd'hui une série de 3 petits dragons de chez Dragonsite.
Ils ressemblent aux Bookwyrms et sont de la même dimension mais ce sont des éditions limitées.
Voici les dragons du Soleil, de la Lune et des étoiles ;).
Ci-contre, le concept art de Moonstruck, réalisé par Andrew Bill, le sculpteur de ces 3 pièces.
The complimentary forces of the Sun and Moon have dominated our lore and mythology for centuries.
Our ancestors looked to the skies and saw the Sun, an eternal dazzling globe of light, the life-giver, bringing warmth and light to their world.
It was seen as a generous benefactor lending its light to the Moon, which had no light of its own.
The Sun was always the constant, the dependable force of the heavens, whereas the Moon, with its ever-changing face, is seen as the more mysterious of the two.
Sunburst - Sol rumpere
In the First book of Mages we read that some civilizations believed the Sun to be the eye of the gods, or even the eye of the world; a scared being that dwelled inside the earth when not in the sky, for was it not from the earth that is rose at dawn and returned at dusk?
Great temples and tombs, even cities have been constructed in accordance with the Sun's movements across the sky.
The lives of many peoples follow the passage of the Sun as close as any flower whose face is ever turned to the great golden eye.
H : 14 cm ; L : 10 cm (envergure)
Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 494 / 2000
Matériau : résine
Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 494 / 2000
Matériau : résine

Moonstruck - Lumaticus
The First book of Mages tells of the importance placed by many sorcerers on astronomical signs.
Indeed, so closely do some wizards relate these symbols to their craft that they have representations of them woven into the fabric of their long robes.
Crescent moon, full moon, the sun and stars, their unmistakable profiles have always held great potency for those who gaze skywards.
H : 18 cm ; L : 12 cm (envergure)
Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 103 / 2000
Matériau : résine
Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 103 / 2000
Matériau : résine

Starlight - Stella lumen
Stars, perhaps more than other astronomical signs, have always been closely associated with magic and sorcery: they appear at the tips of fairy wands, as magical talismans, as the background for enchanter's charts, as decoration for wizards' robes.
The given form of the star (which is of course only an artist's impression of a bright point of twinkling light) is a potent symbol in the culture and theology of many diverse civilisations.
All the Books of Mages tell us that for many generations wizards and seers have used the constellations, the families of stars in the night sky, as navigators, oracles, spirit guides and a rich source of mythology.
The jewels of the midnight skies form a vast, encyclopaedic atlas, containing secrets and mysteries of which only the Great Watchers, the mighty stargazing mages might guess.
H : 18 cm ; L : 9 cm (envergure)
Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 492 / 2000
Matériau : résine
Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 492 / 2000
Matériau : résine

Et tous les trois ensemble :

j'ador les ailes de la lune!!!!! a lalalalala la lune je l'adore et pourtant je suis pas un loup garou!!! pense tu que les lapin garou existe!!!!!..... : P