Par Arktoss le lundi, 21 mai 2007, 21:25 - Dragonsite - Lien permanent

Thief (Voleur en français) de Dragonsite est une pièce imposante et complexe.
Le dragon Furunculus tente de dérober un précieux joyau pour sa collection mais celui-ci a été enchanté par un sorcier. À l'approche du dragon, les flammes se muent en un nid de vipères géantes dont une seule morsure scellerait le sort du voleur.
Une belle pièce, étonnamment légère et résistante.
Thief - Fur - AB20018
Furunculus was a fierce dragon with an incurable taste for jewels, especially jewels deemed by great adventurers to be so fabulous, so magical, so desirable, they inspired countless wildly heroic exploits to attain them.
As told in the Third Book of Treasure, Furunculus became a prodigious collector owing to his felonious propensities. In time, his reputation began to rival those of the greatest treasure thieves of them all.
This inspired the more industrious enchanters to devise even greater trial of inguenuity and courage in an attempt to thwart the devilish dragon. Callidus, arguably the most devious of the great labyrinth masters, set to work on a new creation and commissioned the Heaven's Tear - an iridescent diamond cut from the priceless slab unearthed at the legendary mine of Crystallum - the rarest of prizes to lure the dragon.
That Furunculus would be tempted by this glittering bauble was without question and Callidus prepared his most tortuous endeavour to vanquish the dragon marauder.
At the end of an intricate maze, packed with deadly trials and conundrums, Furunculus encounters the ultimate test. a golden dragon statue is bearing the diamond surrounded by a writhing ring of fire. Sorcery crafts living flame into a giant nest of seething vipers, just one bite from which would seal the dragon's fate.
As in his wont, the verbMMagus closes the book before we see whether Callidus becomes poorer by one priceless diamond and Furunculus the richer. Of one thing we can be certain however, the dragon will not feign from this task and whilst there is life within him, will not rest until the famous jewel is within his grasp.
H : 32 cm ; L : 22 cm
Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 296 / 2000
Matériau : résine
Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 296 / 2000
Matériau : résine

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