Aujourd'hui une imposante pièce de la collection Enchantica me rejoint. Je ne pensais pas l'avoir dans les mains un jour, il s'agit de Glimmerscale (littéralement "écailles luisantes").
Un dragon bleu violacé très massif, perché sur une montagne de trésors et de pièces. La représentation classique d'un dragon occidental.
La statue est vraiment imposante et bénéficie d'être livrée avec un socle de présentation en bois laqué. Il faut savoir que seules une poignée de pièces chez Enchantica sont livrées ainsi.
À savoir également que Glimmerscale n'est pas seul, il constitue un diorama avec deux petits dragons qui tentent de lui voler son trésor. Ils arriveront très bientôt, gardez l’œil ;).
Ci-contre, le concept art réalisé par Rob Simpson, le sculpteur de cette pièce.
Glimmerscale - EN2357
If there was one thing that guaranteed to cause normally peacable dragons to quarrel like avaricious children, it is gold and jewels.
As soon as the treasure was discovered the strongest and most powerfull beasts waded in and claimed as much of the sparkling wealth for themselves as they could feasibly defend.
One such dragon was Urlfang, later to be called Glimmerscale by the nomads and cliff top settlers, and the steady stream of adventurers who came to the ruined city to try for a share of the dragon’s hoard.
So large and heavy was the dragon and so long did he remain on guard in the bowels of the ruined tower, that a second skin of princely treasure became permanently attached to his underside.
This meant that when he rose out of the dishevelled turret and reared his formidable shape before the tremblling figures that had dared his wrath, his whole trunk sparkled and shone with a priceless coat.
The effect by torch light in the dead of night was spectacular; the soaring torso of treasure glittering before their naked flames like the evening sun on a breeze kissed river.
Before very long the reputation of the dragon they learned to call Glimmerscale began to spread far and wide.
Collection : Enchantica (Rob Simpson)
Numéro : 626 / 950
Matériau : résine

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