Par Arktoss le jeudi, 10 avril 2008, 12:51 - Enchantica - Lien permanent

Mon 52ème dragon et 16ème Enchantica est arrivé ce matin, voici Karaxus.
Son histoire relate qu'il a été fait prisonnier par la sorcière Melidan pour ses écailles aux pouvoirs remarquables. Brillantes comme de l'argent, elles servaient à la préparation de remèdes et d'enchantements.
La pauvre créature demeurait enfermée dans une pièce du château de la sorcière. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Karaxus - EN2380
The beast of myth and rumour was the rarest of creatures : a dragon with powers of enchantment, Its skin was reputed to shine in the sun like precious argent, and at certain times to shed scales of real silver.
Scales of Karaxus were said to possess remarkable powers.
If one was used to make a vessel in which a medicine was prepared then that remedial draught became enchanted panacea to cure all ills.
A beauty cream applied as a mask with a scale spatula transformed the face of the subject into one of great loveliness.
A mail shirt of layered silver scales rendered the wearer impregnable to injury, be they set upon by sword, lance, arrow or even dragon fire.
Little wonder then that the scales of Karaxus were valued highly.
The silver dragon was said to be the slave of an evil old sorceress called Melidan, who kept the noble creature prisoner in a high tower in a far off lonely valley.
Melidan kept the dragon hostage so that she alone could have possession of its precious gifts; and charge a high price to those who had need or were desirous of the silver scales' inique powers.
Melidan's castle clung precariously to the sheer, craggy face of a high cliff.
It was a small cluster of crumbling towers the largest of which had at its base a great arch sealed with a strong web of iron bars. Imprisoned in the chamber within was the Silver Dragon..
H : 29 cm ; l : 20 cm (envergure)
Collection : Enchantica (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 612 / 2950
Matériau : résine
Collection : Enchantica (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 612 / 2950
Matériau : résine

Je l'aime beaucoup celui-là!!!^^ Surtout ses joiles ailes blanche ^^
Bon on ne sais pas trop ce qu'il garde!!!! XD Mais il est chouette!!!! ^^
J'adore ses yeux verts!!!!! ... ils me font penser à un autre dragon...(mystère!!!!! ^^)