Par Arktoss le samedi, 17 novembre 2007, 10:36 - Enchantica - Lien permanent

Un dragon Enchantica que je recherchais depuis un moment, voici Aphellion, la pièce annuelle de 2004.
Elle représente la résurrection d'un dragon depuis un portail magique, sous les rayons de la Lune.
J'aime beaucoup l'élégance de cette pièce.
Aphellion - EN2375
The night was filled with a scented breeze.
The ancient portal of Aphellion, ringed with mighty stone dragons of Eyesand, started to glow and pulse with the colours of the night.
Crude silhouettes stabbed the inky gloomness, as the moons rays slowly passed through the many alignments, seemingly to pause upon the smoking aperture.
The time of Aphellion was near and the resurrection of the sacred flame would once more alight this sacred, magical place.
Spires of twisted smoke, rose slowly from beneath, highlighted plumes of purple and greens somehow gave life to this ghostly snake.
Without pause its shape grew, ethereal wings opened to a ghostly dragon of light.
From its throne it surveyed the onlooking congregation, pausing for one moment to seek solace.
A dragon made from the stars, a bringer of light, whose very soul had been carved from the stars.
Laments and chants soothed the beast and from its mouth came the whitest of flame bathing the surroundings in a warm glow.
The dragon stretched its wings, seemingly bade farewell to the onlookers and rose majestically into the sky to return to its brethren.
A pure white flame, ringed by the Stone Dragons remained, the time of Aphellion had arrived once more.
H : 26 cm ; L : 24 cm (envergure)
Collection : Enchantica (Rob Simpson)
Numéro : n/a
Matériau : résine
Collection : Enchantica (Rob Simpson)
Numéro : n/a
Matériau : résine

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