Par Arktoss le vendredi, 20 juillet 2007, 11:29 - Dragonsite - Lien permanent

Le dragon d'aujourd'hui est un Dragonsite qui me tient très à cœur : Renascence.
Je ne sais pas exactement pourquoi mais cette pièce est une de mes préférées de tout Dragonsite. Il y a quelque chose dans la posture et l'aspect de ce dragon qui me plaît énormément.
La base n'est pas en reste, le nid dans les ossements de dragons... à la fois morbide et superbe, cette pièce porte son nom à merveille.
Renascence - Renascor - AB20010
For many years the old mages pondered the fate of the great wyrm of the eastwind, Vermeurus, scourge of generations of nomads who eked out their meagre living on the wind-lashed dunes of the Eastern Desert.
The Book of Dragons, volume one, tells of the creature's taste for human flesh bringing it intoopen warfare with the scattered tribes who continuously traverse that lonely place.
Bardus, their greatest warrior, if only in height and girth, vowed to face the dragon alone in mortal combat, and much celebration was made at his departure.
Many goats and young brides were promised on his successful return, yet to the mixed consternation and delight of the nomads, neither Bardus nor the terrible dragon were ever seen by them again.
Many years later, a young student sorcerer exploring the desert wilds as part of his worldly studies, came across a rare and dangerous find, a dragon nest.
There he discovered the remains of a huge wyrm amongst the massive array of bones of which the nest was constructed, and what seemed to be the skeleton of a large man apparently stuck in its throat.
The youth hastily measured the dimensions of the great skull, lest the owner of the nest should return, and reached the conclusion that this was surely the skeleton of the mighty Vermeurus. He further deduced that the dragon had finally met its end by choking on its very last victim.
The nomads of the desert claimed the deceased man as their own Bardus, the saviour of their people. He had promised to vanquish the dragon and this he had done, if by no other means than proving too big to swallow.
Yet perhaps the ferocious spirit of Vermeurus and who knows the desperate valour of Bardus will be reborn into the hatchlings of the desert dragon.
For as the verbuMMagus himself might say, "In the midst of death comes forth life, like the phoenix, reborn."
H : 34 cm ; l : 20 cm
Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 265 / 2000
Matériau : résine
Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)
Numéro : 265 / 2000
Matériau : résine

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