Par Arktoss le lundi, 21 mai 2007, 16:39 - Enchantica - Lien permanent

Un nouvel arrivant un peu particulier aujourd'hui car il est arrivé pile pour mon anniversaire :D.
Voici Anemoss, le roi de Paladris. C'est un "dragon de paradis" haut en couleurs et qui m'a fait la surprise et la joie de porter le numéro 19, mon jour de naissance <3. Je ne pouvais pas rêver mieux.
Ci-contre, les concept art de réalisé par Rob Simpson, le sculpteur de cette pièce.
Anemoss - EN3011
The Southern Western plains of Dragongorge have always held a particular interest to the scribes, especially Pethrill, and adventurers of Enchantica.
For it is here that the Great Observer himself, Danskamere, had spent many years recording and studying the great and wondrous Dragons of Paradise, his works described the Great Dragon Pia-Sharn, a mighty creature of such wondrous colour and yet within his journals another, yet, more fascinating description was to be revealed.
It was the mighty Anemoss.
“As the light of the sun reached its highest the valley was filled with the call of another, Pia’Sharn had began to move, as if in reverence to another, higher beast.
From behind the forest line a wondrous spectacle started to take place.
For rising upon its thick tail was Anemoss, its wings began to unfold, the suns rays danced upon its magnificent scales, hues of purple and blues filled the air, its huge bulk, now fully lifted from the floor, shone with a brilliance of colour I had never seen, words could not describe the magnitude of this beast and all who watched, bowed their heads in great respect.
Anemoss reared back his horned head and called far beyond the mountainous peaks of the North.
The king of the Paladris had arrived and none could ever equal…
H : 24 cm ; L : 38 cm (envergure)
Collection : Enchantica (Rob Simpson)
Numéro : 19 / 1000
Matériau : résine
Collection : Enchantica (Rob Simpson)
Numéro : 19 / 1000
Matériau : résine

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