Nouvelle pièce de chez Enchantica : la sentinelle, Jabel.
Il pose fièrement sur une tête de pierre d'un confrère.
Le sculpteur n'est pas Rob Simpson auquel je suis habituée mais Craig Davison. Jabel a un physique un peu différent de l'accoutumé et personnellement j'aime beaucoup son apparence.
Jabel, Noble Soul - EN2246
Yellow shafts of dying sunlight pierce the evening sky, casting an eerie orange yet ghostly glow amongst the forgotten ruins of a once mighty City.
Jabel, mighty dragon of the proclaimed sentinel caste, views all his land.
Climbing to a high point, this noble beast perches upon the remains of a forgotten ancestor, its golden adornments and stones now stripped of its brilliance, revealing just a cold hard stone a mere shadow of its past glory.
Jabel draws out his wings, arches his neck and calls out to the dancing silhouettes of his brothers and sisters, its echo finding the many crevasses of the ruins and inner city.
He settles down upon his sleeping guardian and lets the night slowly cloak him in a deep velvet darkness.
Collection : Enchantica (Craig Davison)
Numéro : 1126 / 3950
Matériau : résine

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