Mystic Cave - Dragonsite Ce blog est destiné principalement à exposer ma collection de statues de dragons et d'autres collections (Sideshow, WDCC...). Ce n'est pas un site de vente, aucune pièce n'est à vendre, merci de ne pas me poser la question en commentaire. 2018-09-30T17:22:21+02:00 Arktoss urn:md5:c62dfc01a938da81b3ad94da9901919d Dotclear Avarice urn:md5:b46de4ce7e306cc585984757567610f2 2018-09-24T11:57:00+02:00 2018-09-30T18:22:21+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=400px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> De la même collection que <a href="">Sloth</a>, voici le péché de l'<b>Avarice</b>. <br><br> Je ne suis toujours pas parvenue à récupérer les trois premiers Sins, le site de Dragonsite n'existe plus aujourd'hui et j'ai l'impression que seul le sculpteur Andrew Bill est encore en activité :/. J'ai pu voir le prototype de Lust et j'espère qu'il verra le jour avec Envy. Pour les autres... ne jamais dire jamais.<br><br> Avarice est un dragon aux ailes impressionnante et malheureusement il y avait eu de la casse à son arrivée. Rien de bien méchant.<br><br> Les plus attentifs noterons que le cristal qu'il convoite est le même genre que celui de <a href="">Cyrstallum</a>.<br> Autre détail : il porte exactement le même numéro de série que Sloth :D si c'est pas beau.</div><br><br><br> &#149; <b>Avarice</b><br><br> <i>An insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.<br> The grass always looks greener on the other side of the stream, despite the likelihood of a hungry troll living underneath the bridge. <br> Even the troll is prone to reject the smaller, weaker meals, in favour of the biggest prize which proves his downfall. <br> And when he falls into the deep water, will he find the strength of will to empty the gold out of his pockets to save himself from drowning ?<br> We all seek our heart's desire, but should we have the good fortune to find it, which of us is strong enough to turn our path homeward having spied a larger jewel sparkling in the distance ?</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 36 cm ; L : 37 cm ; l : 30 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite, Seven Sins (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 45 / 200<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br><br> <a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a> Archive urn:md5:1c769ea0dbfd022adcb752387ceba0b8 2011-03-20T16:12:00+01:00 2018-09-23T14:06:28+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite dragondragonsitelivre <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=500px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Aujourd'hui une pièce de Dragonsite absolument unique : <b>Archive</b>.<br><br> Disponible à la commande entre le 26 Mars et le 30 Juillet 2010, cette figurine est une PYO comme <a href="">Pristine</a> mais ici j'ai fais la demande de la peinture :D.<br><br> Archive représente un dragon protégeant l'accès à une réserve de livres et documents.<br><br> Pour la peinture, j'ai demandé s'il était possible de s'inspirer d'une œuvre de Minna Sundberg et que j'aime beaucoup. Et je viens de réaliser en postant ce billet que la peinture et la sculpture se ressemble... je veux dire un dragon perché sur une arche de pierres et bloquant l'accès à un lieu, belle coïncidence !<br><br> En tout cas, le résultat sur la figurine est excellent, je ne suis pas du tout déçue et ravie d'avoir cette Archive unique dans ma collection.<br><br><br> Ci-contre, "Greetings by the Tomb" de Minna Sundberg qui m'a inspiré pour la peinture de cette pièce.</div><br><br> &#149; <b>Archive</b><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 21 cm ; L : 10 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite (Rob Simpson)<br> Numéro : n/a<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Incantation urn:md5:66c71681816125d527fef397349694ad 2009-12-30T12:03:00+01:00 2018-09-23T14:17:57+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite dragondragonsitelivre <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=268px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Petite trouvaille en cette fin d'année d'une statuette devenue très rare aujourd'hui : <b>Incantation</b>.<br><br> C'est une édition ouverte de Dragonsite datant de 2001.<br><br> Elle représente un dragon en train de sortir d'un livre. Si un sort pareil existait... ça pourrait être intéressant :P.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> Ci-contre, le concept art réalisé par Andrew Bill, le sculpteur de cette pièce.</div><br><br> &#149; <b>Incantation</b><br><br> <i>Words or sounds uttered as a magic spell such as Jemellus might speak to raise a dragon from the old books of veneficium. <br> As to why a mage would want to conjure forth such a fearsome creature is a question best not asked of the illustrious personnage himself. <br> Sorcerers are notoriously ill-tempered and arrogant, considering any who do not have the facility of magic to be little better than fools. Such individuals are not suffered to ask impertinent questions.<br> Jemellus has conjured many dragons from the ancient pages to do his dark bidding.<br> Every sorcerer knows the power of words, especially when gathered together into a great volume, and he that fails to show the ancient scripts their due respect walks on the road to ruin.<br> Be wary when speaking an incantation within earshot of the old books - you might just get what you wish for! <br>Within earshot? <br> Are the books alive? <br> If one dared to ask this question of the VerbuMMagus, he would fix you with a glittering eye and give no answer save a knowing smile.</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 17 cm ; l : 16 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : n/a<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Crystallum urn:md5:8dbb88aaf9f3020bfbdcd03789b212ff 2009-09-04T16:29:00+02:00 2018-09-23T16:02:31+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite dragonnetdragonsitemignonrocher <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=300px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Petite mise à jour en ce début de Septembre pour vous présenter le précieux <b>Crystallum</b>. <br><br> Avec 250 exemplaires dans le monde, c'est un des dragons les plus rares que je possède. <br><br> Ce petit, du nom de Dagator, a une très bonne bouille sur son rocher calcaire. </div><br> <br><br> &#149; <b>Crystallum</b><br><br> <i>Crystallum, the legendary mine from which many of the most famous gems in history have been unearthed. <br> The wealth concealed within this geological treasure trove was believed to be greater than half the known kingdoms of the ancient world.<br> Adamas it was who first discovered this priceless well of gemstones ; Adamas, whose love of crystals was matched only by the dragons he tamed. <br> The fine senses of these faithful beasts were drawn to the singular energies of the buried stones, and the wizard used them to seek and find his wealth. <br> The motherlode that was to become Crystallum was discovered when, deep in a cave, the dragon Dagator came upon the great slab of diamond that was later to yield the ‘Heaven’s Tear’ for the labyrinth master Callidus, the ‘Star of Elana’ set in the crown of the famed queen and most renowned of all the ‘Silverfire stone’ that burned atop the staff of Adamas himself.<br> Needless to say the whereabouts of the mine were kept a close secret by the wizard Adamas but rumours abound that the verbuMMagus knows of a map concealed somewhere in his vast library, a map with an ‘X’ drawn in wizard’s blood!</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 14 cm ; l : 11 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 61 / 250<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Sloth urn:md5:718f1f12acfee0396ba04dec903c71a9 2009-02-22T14:46:00+01:00 2018-09-23T22:22:50+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite dragondragonsiteorientalseven sins <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=250px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Commandé en même temps que <a href="">Pristine</a>, un second Dragonsite et un gros morceau : il s'agit de <b>Sloth</b>. <br> Il fait de la collection prestige des Seven Sins, soit les 7 péchés capitaux.<br><br> Les Sins sont des sculptures imposantes, très détaillées et très rares (200 pièces dans le monde).<br> Sur les 7 péchés, seuls 4 existent aujourd'hui : Anger (Colère), Pride (Orgueil), Glutonny (Gourmandise) et Sloth (Paresse). <br> Suite à des problèmes de production, les 3 premiers ne sont pas tous sortis et la collection des Sins est restée en arrêt pendant plus d'un an. Il y a quelques mois, Dragonsite annonce une reprise de la production des 3 Sins et pour relancer la collection met en vente le 4e.<br><br> Les détails sont très minutieux et la peinture très soignée. Il est en une seule pièce sauf le narguilé qui est soigneusement emballé dans une petite boîte.<br> On a l'habitude de représenter les dragons dormir sur l'or, ici on a choisi les coussins moelleux et une pose très détendue avec un narguilé a porté de bec ;). La Paresse dans toute sa splendeur. <br> D'ailleurs en voyant ses couleurs, les motifs sur les coussins et le narguilé, toutes ces petites touches orientales me font penser au dragon génie <a href="">Secrets</a>.</div><br><br> &#149; <b>Sloth</b><br><br> <i>The early bird catches the worm. It's the job that never gets started that takes the longest to finish. Hard work never hurt anybody.<br> Laudable sentiments but not always what we want to hear. <br> We can all fall prey to indolence. <br> Afterall, who wouldn't rather reclime on a bed of satin cushions taking their ease, amongst other things, than attend to the task that waits?<br> Putting off until tomorrow that you can do today is all very well, but you know what they say about tomorrow - it never comes !</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 30 cm ; l : 30 cm (diamètre)<br> Collection : Dragonsite, Seven Sins (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 45 / 200<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br><br> <a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" height=225px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Pristine urn:md5:7e6c18d759459d41ad4965d86683a447 2009-02-22T14:06:00+01:00 2018-09-23T10:35:10+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite dragondragonsiterocher <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=350px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Aujourd'hui une pièce un peu particulière de Dragonsite. Il s'agit de <b>Pristine</b>, une édition limitée à 250 pièces et dite "Paint Your Own".<br><br> Ce genre de pièce est à peindre soi-même et ce n'est pas rare (Windstone et Enchantica le font aussi). Évidemment, il y a toujours moyen de demander à un peintre professionnel de vous le faire, ceux de Dragonsite et Enchantica l'accepte moyennant finance, mais ici j'ai préféré me réserver ce plaisir.<br> Toutefois, je ne suis pas une habituée de la peinture sur figurine alors je m'occuperai de Pristine plus tard. J'ai besoin de temps pour m'exercer et ne pas ruiner ma figurine, il me faut aussi décider de ma palette de couleurs. Donc en attendant, ce petit dragon restera au chaud dans sa boîte.<br><br> La figurine semble imposante mais en fait elle dépasse à peine la taille d'un Bookwyrm ;).</div><br> <br> &#149; <b>Pristine</b><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 12 cm ; l : 14 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : n/a / 250<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Vansal urn:md5:9a9a1192ae4e62cc653efa86b567be37 2008-01-11T10:09:00+01:00 2018-09-20T17:47:26+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite arc-en-cielbassindragondragonsiteeaufée <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=250px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Je vous présente une pièce plutôt massive de Dragonsite : Vansal.<br><br> Un imposant dragon aux ailes arc-en-ciel et chargé par un mage de protéger la forêt et la nature environnante.<br> Il fait ici une petite pause pour boire. <br><br> Ce dragon respire la sérénité et l'effet de l'eau est de toute beauté.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> Ci-contre, "Morning Drink" de Julie Bell, l'artiste à l'origine de cette sculpture.</div><br><br> &#149; <b>Vansal - JB20100</b><br><br> <i>The land is hushed. The sun spreads warmth and light to the floor of the ancient forest. <br> Deep within the cover of the majestic trees, there is a place where neither human nor beast dares to venture. <br> Here lies the lair of the mighty dragon, Vansal, the largest and most feared creature in the kingdom before time. <br> Things that reflect light into the colors of a rainbow carry this magnificent beast. Its massive size and awesome strength strike fear into the hearts of even its bravest foes.<br> The high wizards have commanded Vansal to protect the forest's balance of nature against all intruders - a monumental task, as the forest stretches to the end of the land and is constantly invaded by those seeking to remove its treasures.<br> Late one afternoon, after travelling a great distance, Vansal returns to its quiet lair for a short respite from the never ending role as protector. <br> Perched on a gigantic rock, Vansal lowers its massive head to a crystal clear pool, fed by a rushing waterfall that spills down a boulder strewn rock face. <br> With surprising gentleness, its forked tongue caresses the surface of the water, drawing energy into its huge body.<br> Soon, it will be time to return to the journey...</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 37,5 cm ; l : 25 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite, ImaginistiX (Julie Bell)<br> Numéro : 234 / 2000<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Sunburst, Moonstruck et Starlight urn:md5:fa26b0bc228a9db2e01d22be554ce528 2007-12-22T21:11:00+01:00 2018-09-22T10:54:10+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite cosmiquedragondragonnetdragonsitelunesoleilétoile <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=250px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Aujourd'hui une série de 3 petits dragons de chez Dragonsite.<br><br> Ils ressemblent aux Bookwyrms et sont de la même dimension mais ce sont des éditions limitées. <br><br> Voici les dragons du Soleil, de la Lune et des étoiles ;).<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> Ci-contre, le concept art de Moonstruck, réalisé par Andrew Bill, le sculpteur de ces 3 pièces.</div><br><br> <i>The complimentary forces of the Sun and Moon have dominated our lore and mythology for centuries. <br> Our ancestors looked to the skies and saw the Sun, an eternal dazzling globe of light, the life-giver, bringing warmth and light to their world. <br> It was seen as a generous benefactor lending its light to the Moon, which had no light of its own. <br> The Sun was always the constant, the dependable force of the heavens, whereas the Moon, with its ever-changing face, is seen as the more mysterious of the two.</i><br><br><br> &#149; <b>Sunburst - Sol rumpere</b><br><br> <i>In the First book of Mages we read that some civilizations believed the Sun to be the eye of the gods, or even the eye of the world; a scared being that dwelled inside the earth when not in the sky, for was it not from the earth that is rose at dawn and returned at dusk? <br> Great temples and tombs, even cities have been constructed in accordance with the Sun's movements across the sky. <br> The lives of many peoples follow the passage of the Sun as close as any flower whose face is ever turned to the great golden eye.</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 14 cm ; L : 10 cm (envergure)<br> Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 494 / 2000<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br><br><br> &#149; <b>Moonstruck - Lumaticus</b><br><br> <i>The First book of Mages tells of the importance placed by many sorcerers on astronomical signs. <br> Indeed, so closely do some wizards relate these symbols to their craft that they have representations of them woven into the fabric of their long robes. <br> Crescent moon, full moon, the sun and stars, their unmistakable profiles have always held great potency for those who gaze skywards.</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 18 cm ; L : 12 cm (envergure)<br> Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 103 / 2000<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br><br> <br> &#149; <b>Starlight - Stella lumen</b><br><br> <i>Stars, perhaps more than other astronomical signs, have always been closely associated with magic and sorcery: they appear at the tips of fairy wands, as magical talismans, as the background for enchanter's charts, as decoration for wizards' robes. <br> The given form of the star (which is of course only an artist's impression of a bright point of twinkling light) is a potent symbol in the culture and theology of many diverse civilisations.<br><br> All the Books of Mages tell us that for many generations wizards and seers have used the constellations, the families of stars in the night sky, as navigators, oracles, spirit guides and a rich source of mythology. <br> The jewels of the midnight skies form a vast, encyclopaedic atlas, containing secrets and mysteries of which only the Great Watchers, the mighty stargazing mages might guess.</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 18 cm ; L : 9 cm (envergure)<br> Collection : Dragonsite (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 492 / 2000<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br><br> <br> Et tous les trois ensemble :<br><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Bookwyrms série 2 (au complet) urn:md5:48aa473e39eda5ad12a97c431d8ec766 2007-12-15T10:57:00+01:00 2010-02-21T12:03:53+01:00 Arktoss Dragonsite bibliothèquebookwyrmsdragondragonnetdragonsitegardienlivremignon <p>Près d'un mois sans avoir poster de billet, mais voilà enfin les 2 manquants&nbsp;! ils ont mis du temps à arriver, achetés début septembre la commande n'est jamais arrivée. Après avoir discuté un bon moment avec le vendeur l'affaire s'est résolue. En fin de compte ils ont été commandés au même vendeur que les 2 autres Bookwyrms ("Black beauty" et "Gone with the wind"). Une semaine aura suffit pour qu'ils arrivent, j'aurai dû acheter les 4 en même temps...</p> <p><ins>De gauche à droite</ins> :<br /></p> <ul> <li><strong>Crouching dragon, hidden tiger</strong><br /></li> <li><strong>My friend Flicker</strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>taille</strong>&nbsp;: environ une dizaine de cm chacun</p> <p><q>Have you ever left a book for one minute, and returned to find it back on the shelf? Page markers on the wrong pages, or missing altogether? How about a book you borrowed only yesterday being mysteriously overdue?</q></p> <p><q>Conjured inadvertently by the careless thoughts of daydreaming librarians, this growing brood of mischievous dragons spend their time wreaking havoc in magical libraries.</q></p> <p><q>Never causing any real damage, these creatures are rarely glimpsed by human eye, and never by the library's keeper, for when he wakes, the Bookwyrms sleep.</q></p> <p><br /></p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Bookwyrms_serie2_nouvo.jpg" /></a><br /> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Bookwyrms_serie2_crouching.jpg" /></a><a href=""><img src="" alt="Bookwyrms_serie2_flicky.jpg" /></a></p> <p>Une petite photo de famille ^^<br /> Bon hélas j'ai eu un soucis avec "Tender" son épée s'est décrochée mais en voulant la replacer je l'ai tordue... je préfère ne plus y toucher ça ne ferait qu'empirer.</p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Bookwyrms_family.jpg" /></a></p> Bookwyrms série 2 urn:md5:6b4787d11466cc6c11171fecee3b7f8b 2007-10-06T12:17:00+02:00 2010-02-21T12:03:00+01:00 Arktoss Dragonsite bibliothèquebookwyrmsdragondragonnetdragonsitegardienlivremignon <p>4 petits nouveaux Bookwyrms ont fait leur apparition dans la collection dragonsite, désormais il y en a 8 avec un futur 9ème en projet (celui la reste encore mystérieux). Achetés auprès de 2 vendeurs différents, ils n'arrivent pas ensemble, je n'en possède que 2 pour l'instant. (Les délais d'envoi depuis les USA sont vraiment longs -_-).</p> <p><ins>De gauche à droite</ins> :<br /></p> <ul> <li><strong>Black beauty</strong><br /></li> <li><strong>Gone with the wind</strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>taille</strong>&nbsp;: environ une dizaine de cm chacun</p> <p><q>Have you ever left a book for one minute, and returned to find it back on the shelf? Page markers on the wrong pages, or missing altogether? How about a book you borrowed only yesterday being mysteriously overdue?</q></p> <p><q>Conjured inadvertently by the careless thoughts of daydreaming librarians, this growing brood of mischievous dragons spend their time wreaking havoc in magical libraries.</q></p> <p><q>Never causing any real damage, these creatures are rarely glimpsed by human eye, and never by the library's keeper, for when he wakes, the Bookwyrms sleep.</q></p> <p><br /></p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Bookwyrms_serie2.jpg" /></a><br /> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Bookwyrms_serie2_black2.jpg" /></a><a href=""><img src="" alt="Bookwyrms_serie2_wind.jpg" /></a></p> Renascence urn:md5:21fd1f899ca915b86cf9d2463a4e7b71 2007-07-20T11:29:00+02:00 2018-09-23T22:05:28+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite dragondragonsiteoeuf <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=400px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Le dragon d'aujourd'hui est un Dragonsite qui me tient très à cœur : <b>Renascence</b>.<br><br> Je ne sais pas exactement pourquoi mais cette pièce est une de mes préférées de tout Dragonsite. Il y a quelque chose dans la posture et l'aspect de ce dragon qui me plaît énormément.<br><br> La base n'est pas en reste, le nid dans les ossements de dragons... à la fois morbide et superbe, cette pièce porte son nom à merveille.</div><br><br> &#149; <b>Renascence - Renascor - AB20010</b><br><br> <i>For many years the old mages pondered the fate of the great wyrm of the eastwind, Vermeurus, scourge of generations of nomads who eked out their meagre living on the wind-lashed dunes of the Eastern Desert. <br> The Book of Dragons, volume one, tells of the creature's taste for human flesh bringing it intoopen warfare with the scattered tribes who continuously traverse that lonely place.<br> Bardus, their greatest warrior, if only in height and girth, vowed to face the dragon alone in mortal combat, and much celebration was made at his departure. <br> Many goats and young brides were promised on his successful return, yet to the mixed consternation and delight of the nomads, neither Bardus nor the terrible dragon were ever seen by them again.<br> Many years later, a young student sorcerer exploring the desert wilds as part of his worldly studies, came across a rare and dangerous find, a dragon nest. <br> There he discovered the remains of a huge wyrm amongst the massive array of bones of which the nest was constructed, and what seemed to be the skeleton of a large man apparently stuck in its throat.<br> The youth hastily measured the dimensions of the great skull, lest the owner of the nest should return, and reached the conclusion that this was surely the skeleton of the mighty Vermeurus. He further deduced that the dragon had finally met its end by choking on its very last victim.<br> The nomads of the desert claimed the deceased man as their own Bardus, the saviour of their people. He had promised to vanquish the dragon and this he had done, if by no other means than proving too big to swallow. <br> Yet perhaps the ferocious spirit of Vermeurus and who knows the desperate valour of Bardus will be reborn into the hatchlings of the desert dragon.<br> For as the verbuMMagus himself might say, "In the midst of death comes forth life, like the phoenix, reborn."</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 34 cm ; l : 20 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 265 / 2000<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br><br> <a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" height=300px></img></a> Thief urn:md5:57b6fd383d893b76b20fda7b46cc4fba 2007-05-21T21:25:00+02:00 2018-09-16T09:17:42+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite dragondragonsitegardienserpenttrésorvoleur <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=160px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Thief (Voleur en français) de Dragonsite est une pièce imposante et complexe.<br><br> Le dragon Furunculus tente de dérober un précieux joyau pour sa collection mais celui-ci a été enchanté par un sorcier. À l'approche du dragon, les flammes se muent en un nid de vipères géantes dont une seule morsure scellerait le sort du voleur.<br><br> Une belle pièce, étonnamment légère et résistante. </div><br><br> <br> &#149; <b>Thief - Fur - AB20018</b><br><br> <i>Furunculus was a fierce dragon with an incurable taste for jewels, especially jewels deemed by great adventurers to be so fabulous, so magical, so desirable, they inspired countless wildly heroic exploits to attain them.<br> As told in the Third Book of Treasure, Furunculus became a prodigious collector owing to his felonious propensities. In time, his reputation began to rival those of the greatest treasure thieves of them all.<br> This inspired the more industrious enchanters to devise even greater trial of inguenuity and courage in an attempt to thwart the devilish dragon. Callidus, arguably the most devious of the great labyrinth masters, set to work on a new creation and commissioned the Heaven's Tear - an iridescent diamond cut from the priceless slab unearthed at the legendary mine of Crystallum - the rarest of prizes to lure the dragon.<br> That Furunculus would be tempted by this glittering bauble was without question and Callidus prepared his most tortuous endeavour to vanquish the dragon marauder.<br> At the end of an intricate maze, packed with deadly trials and conundrums, Furunculus encounters the ultimate test. a golden dragon statue is bearing the diamond surrounded by a writhing ring of fire. Sorcery crafts living flame into a giant nest of seething vipers, just one bite from which would seal the dragon's fate.<br> As in his wont, the verbMMagus closes the book before we see whether Callidus becomes poorer by one priceless diamond and Furunculus the richer. Of one thing we can be certain however, the dragon will not feign from this task and whilst there is life within him, will not rest until the famous jewel is within his grasp.</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 32 cm ; L : 22 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 296 / 2000<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Secrets urn:md5:edbad523b9efb3e05fff35d2a9a92c07 2007-05-21T20:35:00+02:00 2018-09-16T09:38:31+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite djinndragondragonsiteespritgénieinvocationoriental <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=300px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> L'une des mes pièces les plus originales de ma collection et une de mes préférées : un dragon génie.<br><br> Petit extrait traduit de son histoire :<br><br> <i>Gobi, un aventurier malicieux de la ville d'Azbal, a osé le test du sorcier et choisi ce qu'il pensait être un beau flacon. Avec l'espoir de richesses dépassant ses rêves, il relâcha le bouchon d'or, et vit se libérer de son confinement Idolon; un génie souriant, portant un grand cimeterre menaçant sur le dos d'un dragon violet chatoyant de bronze.</i></div><br> &#149; <b>Secrets - Occultus - AB20003</b><br><br> <i>Not all surprises are pleasant ones. Do not expect all freed spirits to be grateful. Not every sealed vessel contains the answer to your dreams. Some conceal your worst nightmare.<br> The legend of the genie in the bottle is as old as time, and usually tells of a beneficent spirit, released from its ancient bonds, bestowing magical wishes upon its beloved liberator. However, this is not always the case. Inside the great dust encrusted tome entitled Eastern Adventures we discover that it was the wizard Inspertatus who created the dazzling collection of bottles, flasks, jars and amphorae housed within the infamous Chamber of the Unexpected. Each vessel contains an imprisoned magical spirit, some benign, some decidedly malignant.<br> Whereas dragons are usually predisposed towards guarding or stealing treasure, so, many wizards tend to share a proclivity for setting tests. Magical talismans secreted within vast danger-ridden labyrinths. Fabulous jewels guarded by monstrous beasts. Fountains of eternal youth situated at the end of a gauntlet of homicidal obstacles. Whichever way you look at it wizards have a somewhat twisted frame of mind. Insperatus was no exception. He had created a place that depending on your luck or skill in deciphering deeply cryptic cabalistic inscriptions could be a chamber of delight or chamber of horrors.<br> Gobi, a roguish adventurer from the city of Azbal was said to have dared the wizard's test and chosen what he thought was a handsome looking flask. With hopes of riches beyond his dreams, he eased out the golden stopper, and behold, liberated from its cramped confinement issued forth Idolon; a genie carrying a large, menacing scimitar, grinning down from the back of a shimmering dragon of violet and bronze.<br> Was this a good choice? Did Gobi get his heart's desire? Or was the glint in the genie's eye the cool glare of evil? The verbuMMagus knows of course. He knows what happens in all of the stories in the great library, but as usual his teasing smile is our only clue.</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 30 cm ; l : 19 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 530 / 2000<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Onslaught urn:md5:181d2679ec469b0b5b20c8ec06ae671e 2007-05-21T20:31:00+02:00 2018-09-16T08:56:43+02:00 Arktoss Dragonsite arbreattaquechevalierdragondragonsitetrésor <style>.float {float: left;margin-right: 10px}</style> <div><img class="float" src="" width=431px>Bonjour à tous, <br><br> Voici Onslaught (Assaut en français), une pièce intéressante de Dragonsite. <br><br> La scène représente dans une posture très dynamique, un dragon coloré attaquant un chevalier pour un trésor au pied d'une souche. Ce trésor que cherche à s'accaparer le chevalier est probablement celui d'un Leprechaun : un chaudron rempli d'or que l'on trouvé au pied d'un arc-en-ciel. Mais le trésor s'avère très bien gardé.<br><br><br><br><br><br> Ci-contre, le concept art réalisé par Andrew Bill, le sculpteur de cette pièce.</div> <br> &#149; <b>Onslaught - Incursus - AB20004</b><br><br> <i>They say that there is a crock of gold at every rainbow’s end, but fairy gold universally prized far about mere mortal wealth is a treasure dearly bought.<br> The verbuMMagus plucks a story from the shelves of Fairy Tales which tells of a particularly mischievous band of sylvan nymphs - spell-weavers, beguilers - who in common with many other magic-wielders loved to play tricks on dissatisfied mortals; using their greed or boredom to lure them to disaster. For despite being constantly told by the wise that there is no such thing as something for nothing, there are always those who refuse to believe it.<br> The fairy forest dwellers were generous in the amount of gold they placed at the end of their rainbows but they exacted a heavy toll: a dragon! Craftily concealed by enchantment, the ferocious beast would lie in wait for unsuspecting pilferers and then spring a terrifying ambush. Needless to say very few fairy coins ever found their way into general circulation!</i><br><br> <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:10px"><small>H : 14 cm ; L : 30 cm<br> Collection : Dragonsite, VerbumMagus (Andrew Bill)<br> Numéro : 576 / 2000<br> Matériau : résine</small></div><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><br> <a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a><a href=><img src="" width=300px></img></a> Bookwyrms urn:md5:cb50685a83d019ad663d4813feb7ef63 2007-05-20T21:42:00+02:00 2010-02-21T11:56:39+01:00 Arktoss Dragonsite bibliothèquedragondragonnetdragonsitegardienlivremignon <p>Très proche d'Enchantica, avec quelques sculpteurs communs aux 2 groupes, Dragonsite propose des figurines en résines de dragons (beaucoup de fées également). Voilà 4 petits Bookwyrms, petits dragons en résine perchés sur des livres.</p> <p><ins>De gauche à droite</ins> :<br /></p> <ul> <li><strong>Tender is a Knight</strong><br /></li> <li><strong>Drakes of Wrath</strong><br /></li> <li><strong>White Fang</strong><br /></li> <li><strong>Lord of the Wings</strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>taille</strong>&nbsp;: environ une dizaine de cm chacun</p> <p><q>Have you ever left a book for one minute, and returned to find it back on the shelf? Page markers on the wrong pages, or missing altogether? How about a book you borrowed only yesterday being mysteriously overdue?</q><br /> <q>Conjured inadvertently by the careless thoughts of daydreaming librarians, this growing brood of mischievous dragons spend their time wreaking havoc in magical libraries.</q><br /> <q>Never causing any real damage, these creatures are rarely glimpsed by human eye, and never by the library's keeper, for when he wakes, the Bookwyrms sleep.</q></p> <p><br /></p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Bookwyrms.jpg" /></a><a href=""><img src="" alt="Bookwyrms2.jpg" /></a></p>